35th Anniversary Week of Seoul Olympic Games’ from 17th to 24th

The Korea National Sports Promotion Organization (NPSO)

Will host the 35th anniversary of the Seoul Olympic Games from July 17 to 24.

The week is designed to reflect on the achievements of the 1988 Seoul Olympics, one of the most successful Olympic Games in history, 토토사이트 and to convey Olympic values to future generations.

Courtesy of the National Sports Promotion Organization

The 88th Green Festival, a sports and cultural event, will be held on the 17th, and the 35th anniversary of the Seoul Olympics will be held on the 18th.

From the 18th to the 22nd (Friday), the National Assembly will host a special exhibition on the 35th anniversary of the Seoul Olympics.

On Saturday, the 23rd, a two-day youth camp, 스포츠토토 ‘Olympic Like Value Education,’ will be held.

The ’88 Green Festival’ at the Seoul Olympic Park is a sports and cultural event to protect health and the environment with citizens, and will feature a variety of programs, including Tsudam walking (Korean for flogging) with Lotte Department Store.

The official sponsor of the 1988 Seoul Olympics, a Hodol drawing contest with Dong Pencil and artist Kim Hyun, who designed Hodol, the official mascot of the Seoul Olympics, a flea market, retro exhibitions, and a free photo booth.

The 35th anniversary of the Seoul Olympic Games, which will be held at the Olympic Parktel in Seoul, will be marked by the establishment of the Sports ESG Alliance, a group of more than 70 organizations that will work together to create an ESG (environmental, social and governance) ecosystem for sports in Korea.

“It is an important role for us to commemorate the Seoul Olympics, which marked a page in Korea’s history, and to build a better world through sports based on the Olympic legacy,” said Cho Hyun-jae, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Korea Olympic Committee.

“During this anniversary week, we have a variety of programs to promote ESG practices and the values of the Olympics, 스포츠토토맨 and we look forward to your interest and participation.”

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